kindle store

E-books are always more popular as space in the apartments is always more limited and those who travel can easily carry their favorite books with them.

The following are my e-books in English available on Amazon’s Kindle format.

The Jehovah's Witnesses' Bible: An Evaluation of the Text of the New World Translation by [Giuseppe Guarino] The Majority Text of the Greek New Testament: In defense of the Traditional Text of the Bible by [Giuseppe Guarino] Greek the Original Language of the New Testament: New wine in new wineskins by [Giuseppe Guarino]
New Testament Greek: For Beginners by [Giuseppe Guarino] Caught Between Science and Faith by [Giuseppe Guarino] 53 The Death of the Messiah: Foreseen and Explained by [Giuseppe Guarino]
Jewish Background of the New Testament by [Giuseppe Guarino]

Non-Christian books

One Week in Malta: Memories and Thoughts (English Edition) di [Giuseppe Guarino]





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